catholic friday: where it began

I decided to start a regular series on Friday about my Catholic faith and faith journey. I had planned on starting in one spot but couldn't get started. Then, I realized I needed to start at the beginning (cue "Sound of Music"). As always you're free to read or not. I just know this is... Continue Reading →

after his death: community

When I choose the title for this post, I thought I would write about the community that came around us after we lost John almost 3 years ago. Something sparked that thought this morning, though it feels like such a long time ago now at 3:30 pm. Perhaps I was thinking of our experiences of... Continue Reading →

poems of loss: grief

Grief breaks through the carefully crafted facade. It seeps through the cracks. Like lava. Loss. Loss. Loss. You were in the middle. Alive. Whole. Vibrant with being. Loved. Today, a black hole. Because everything does inexorably move towards you. You were there. And then not. Being. Absence. And, we all have to pick up the... Continue Reading →

grief, a companion

Grief, a companion I name them all. Fear, anger, love, shame, guilt, grief, and love. Yet grief remains in front, a walking, running, screaming hole of fullness. Deep sorrow. Sorrow so deep the words barely touch the loss, the hole. On this first day of the new year, I cry. The first act, emotion, thought... Continue Reading →

happy thanksgiving

A few trees still have their leaves today. The brilliant red of the Japanese maple outside my kitchen window never fails to catch my eye when I'm in the kitchen area of our house. Today is a Thanksgiving Day I could not have imagined or anticipated. March 5, 2020 will always be the day that... Continue Reading →

the day the clocks stopped

As the first post on a new blog for me (my previous blog was called A Life in Balance), I'll pick a spot to start. The day my son died is the day my life, and my family's life changed completely. March 5th will always be the day when we all lost our innocence, our... Continue Reading →

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