daylilies at reedy farm

Yesterday, we took a break from our usual weekend gardening projects and visited Reedy Farm in Monroe, VA for their Open Garden Day. It was the perfect day!

I had forgotten how much I love daylilies, maybe because the deer like them, too. In Pennsylvania, we only grew the common orange daylilies that grow like weeds along roads. After we planted our new ones yesterday, I felt like the beds had become more established. I can’t explain it, but there it is.

Before I get into the daylilies we chose for our yard, I’d like to share a few shots of the landscape around the home.

My husband and I loved the koi pond near the gazebo. I took note of the plants around the pond since they looked like they were heat and dry-soil-tolerant. We’re unsure if we want to have koi in the base of our fountain since that’s more work than water plants.

I love the pergola, too, though I’m not sure where to put one on our property. The flow of the spaces doesn’t lend itself to one.

This was a smaller version of the pergola. On the right side, it’s flanked by a snowball viburnum.

Tang Dynasty daylily: We put these in with our smaller blueberry bushes. If the bushes don’t survive, the lilies can stay in the bed. Otherwise, I’ll move them elsewhere in a year or 2.

Matisse daylily: This is in our butterfly bush bed at the corner of the property. I wouldn’t mind if the daylilies take over the bed.

Bettylen daylily: This is also in the butterfly bush bed.

Little dandy daylily: We put this in the bed at the corner of the yard by the intersection. My goal for the beds in this area is visual interest since they’re so visible to drivers.

Bill Norris daylily: We put this one in a bed next to the butterfly bush bed. There’s a fig tree nearby, however, I don’t know how long it will take to mature.

We bought 3 of each variety. The prices ranged from $10 to $20, I think. I’m hopeful the lilies will do their thing and spread. I’d love to see the 5 colors spread across the sunny areas of the yard.

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